Activate your core and deep muscles to improve posture, help reduce injury risk and build strength with simple, clever, science-based tools
Having a strong core and good posture is important for so many reasons.
It helps us to look and feel better, improves our overall health,and can even reduce chronic pain.
Whether you work out at the gym, go for a daily run, walk for exercise, or are looking for something to keep you active at your desk, the GravityFit TPro is the simple, clever solution you are looking to improve posture and core strength.
And because our tools are based on over 30 years research, you can be sure that we know the best way to help you acheive great posture, a strong core, and strength and stabiity of your deep muscle system.
Yellow bands for light resistance work
Exercise your core, your posture and your upper body anywhere, anytime with the GravityFit TPro. Includes a library of exercies from simple to advanced.
- Turn a walk into a full body workout
- Exercise at your desk
- Balance out the slumping effects of time on your phone
Green bands for heavier resistance work
Exercise your core, your posture and your upper body anywhere, anytime with the GravityFit TPro. Includes a library of exercies from simple to advanced.
- Turn a walk into a full body workout
- Exercise at your desk
- Balance out the slumping effects of time on your phoneText block
Shorter bands, designed for children and young teens
Help your child 'deslump' from too much time at their desk on laptops, iPads or devices.
Rather than just a reminder to 'slop slouching' or 'stand up straight', the GravityFit TPro helps your child strengthen the muscles that hold them in posture PLUS gives them the feedback to know when they are slouching into poor posture.
The GravityFit TPro is based on the research of Dr Carolyn Richardson. Dr Richardson research dove deelply into the science of how Gravityeffects our body, and specifically, Gravity's effects on the deep muscles in our body that support our bones and joints and hold us upright. Dr Richardson's first major breakthrough was in identifying the role of the Core muscles, and the best way to activate and strregthen them. She showed the the 'Anti-Gravity' Body Framework of deep muscles works as a system - and that by replicating the force of Gravity through adding resistance along the arms and into the thoracic girdle, you switch on this whole system. Doing specific controlled exercises, while in good poosture AND adding this resistance load through the arms and upper body is THE BEST way to switch on the core and deep muscles that support us.
Absolutely!! Because the TPro is based on science that is key to developing a strong core, spine and shoulders it is a fantastiic tool for helping athletes with any sport that requires rotation. Which if you think about its most sports, right? Because golf relies so heavily on posture , rotation and spinal and core strength, the TPro has been incredibly popular with elite and beginner golfers feeling the benefits.
We have done over 30 yers research into the way the human body works in Gravity.. and how it waorks without Gravity! Dr Carolyn Richardson and GravityFit have had the honour of working with NASA and their team of astronaut trainers to dive deep into how to activate and strengthen the deep muscles. NASA sponsored research that showed the effectiveness of the GravityFit tools and exercises in doing just that. Take a look at the published research here Frontiers in Physiology
GravityFit TPro is available in the following colours. Bands are also available to obe purchased separatley and can be swapped in and out of our TPro.
TPro Green (heavy resistance)
If you already have a degree of upper body strength and are looking to build on this
TPro Yellow (lighter resistance) If you are looking to develop better postre and start working on your upper body strength
TPro Red (shorter)
For kids and smll teens
Absolutely! With the amount of desk time and deivice time most kids are spending these days, it is so important to help them develop a strong core and deep muscles to help stop slouching, and to help alleviate pain from bad posture. The TPro is designed to allow different strength bands to swap in and out. We have designed a shorter red band that is perfect for kids.
We have developed a library of over 30 exercises that will allow you to pprogress fr beginner to advanced. But never forget - the best and simplest thing you can do is just pop the TPro on, feel that good posture and go for a walk or run. Incorporate a few gentle arm movements along the way and your body will thank you. We also have a desk based posture program that you can incorporate into your everyday!